First Name
Last Name
Name (if more than one owner)
First Name
Last Name
Please write the phonetic pronunciations of your full name(s):
Phone Number (with area code)
Email Address
Second Email Address (optional)
Why would you like to be on our WHO RESCUED WHOM? Canine Rescue Tales Podcast?
What is the name and breed of the rescued dog who you will tell us about, and please indicate the year he/she was rescued, and any other relevant time-line information. (Dog can be currently living or passed away)
Briefly tell us about yourself/yourselves (work/hobbies)
Owner Age Range (Check one)
Prefer not to answer
Briefly describe how you came to rescue your dog, and any memorable moments throughout the time the dog was with you, happy or sad, scary or funny. (Once we read your story, we’ll decide if it is a good fit for the Podcast. Then, questions will be developed in order to elaborate on your story. Attach additional pages if necessary, but please try to keep to between 3-5 paragraphs)
Because rescue dogs are the focus of this podcast, the last question we will ask during our interview with you is, “So, who rescued whom?” Tell us in just a couple sentences or so here, how you would answer that question when talking about this particular dog.
DONATION: As part of our podcast, we will be making a donation in the name of our guests, to the rescue organization/charity of their choice. Please site below which charity you would like us to donate to, their website address and any other pertinent contact information.
How did you hear about us? (Check one)
Google search
Referred by someone
I'm a listener
Is there anything else you'd like to add?
Is there a favorite quote that you love that pertains to dogs?