Heartwarming stories of man, (and woman’s) best friend.

It’s a podcast that will tell the tales of both the humans and canines that found each other, and whose lives were changed, for the better, forever. The stories you’ll hear may make you laugh, some may make you cry, but whichever the case, we hope you’ll listen with your heart, and smile at the end of each one, as you learn, Who Rescued Whom.

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Our Story

The first time I saw her, I blurted out, “Missy”.  She was two when we rescued her, and 13 when she left us.  In that time, we fell in love with her more and more as each day passed.  She made us smile, comforted us when we cried, followed us everywhere, herded the cattle back into the front pasture when they strayed, protected us on our little acreage, led our B&B guests on tours and to their rooms, and ran to the door each and every time John came home, to greet, kiss, and love on her daddy. She was one of a kind, and just the start of our very own canine rescue stories. 

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Contact Diane and John at info@whorescuedwhom.com